A blog about my work and the way it happens. Things I see, hear, feel and find interesting, funny, odd or just plain curious. News about Everything and Anything Art wise, Expected or Unexpected. This blog is an open work diary for myself, and you are very welcome to follow me on my journey...

fredag den 28. januar 2011

Minding The Gallery

My personal quiet corner the past two weeks.

The past couple of weeks, I’ve been sitting in the “Kammergalleriet” during the afternoons, to mind my exhibition. Some days have been busy, some not so much. But I have been overwhelmed with people’s interest in my work, and have had many great talks with people, stopping in from the street. Even a few sales, as an extra bonus!

Being back in my hometown has been interesting: I’ve met old teachers, neighbors and people who know my parents. A new (-and actually quite nice-) feeling, after having lived anonymously for years, in various places, a short period at a time.

I truly like the concept of this gallery: when you rent it, you can do WHATEVER you like. You choose the opening times, the hanging of the work - the whole sense of the place is up to you! Personally I enjoyed the whole experience of getting settled in the gallery. Making the space mine, entirely. When I visit a gallery, I like simplicity and serenity. So I suppose those have been my keywords, while settling in, the sensation I’ve been seeking. If I have managed or not, is a matter of opinion, but I know for a fact that I have enjoyed my afternoons in the gallery. Quiet jazz, and the smell of the beautiful lilac hyacinths I got for the opening. I’ve been doing work on my mac, work I’d have to do at home anyway. I’ve had my own little work oasis, sitting between my paintings in a calm setting. Nice music and tulips, and with spotlights on each colorful piece on the wall. I think parts of me will miss it, when I pack up on Sunday, and will be done with this show. But I’ll probably also be ready for new places, new settings...