Finally on Wednesday, my long lost container arrived from the tropics. Just before I took off from Guam (beginning of October), I was able to get a small, wood container full of art work (and other bits) sent to Denmark. It was supposed to arrive by mid December, but (obviously) something delayed the process... And it got delayed by about a month. But better late than never, and everything is in mint condition.
I felt that my own flight from Guam to Denmark took for EVER, but surely it is nothing compared to the journey of my small wood box. Plane, ship, waiting in ware houses around the world - I have no clue...
When I agreed to do the art show in the Kammergalleriet, I was expecting to be able to show some brand new art work. But when I realized that wasn’t going to happen I had to improvise. Luckily I already had some newer work I got shipped from NJ last summer - and from December to now, I painted a few new pieces, and managed to fill the gallery, luckily.
So, everything worked out well - I will participate in another local art show in February, and then I’ll have new pieces, so the two shows won't be quite the same. I suppose it all happened for a reason.
Oh, and more on the new show a little later...