It is January 1st, and as always it makes me think of the old year, as well as the new. The past three new year eves, I have spent in very different places. Between 2008-09 we were in New Jersey. Last New Year we were living on Guam. And this year I am sitting in Denmark. Three very different spots, and three very different kinds of life. Last year we barbecued mahi mahi for dinner, and sat outside all night, between coconuts and geckos. Last night we made sure the heat was turned up high, and wore big solid winter coats, and had to be sure sure not to slip on the icy ground...
But whatever way the night is spent, it is basically all about looking back, and wondering what the new year will bring. I am currently getting ready for an art show in “Kammergalleriet” a small artist shared gallery in my hometown of Lemvig. The room is very nice, the space huge. I will be there to mind the show. I choose the opening times, the hanging and pretty much everything else. Very interesting. For two week the space will be mine, entirely.
I was planning (and hoping) to show some new work that is being brought back from Guam. I am expecting a small container, with (-among other things-) a lot of my art work. Paintings I made on Guam, and also work from before, in New Jersey. Pieces I always wanted to bring home. Now I finally got the chance. BUT, something happened, the shipment is delayed, and suddenly the box is not going to show up in time. Too bad, on so many levels. But, I do have some work from NJ I got home in an earlier shipment, and I am currently working on some new pieces. I think it will be all right. It will have to be!
More to follow, undoubtedly, as the show is coming together in my mind and improvised studio...