A blog about my work and the way it happens. Things I see, hear, feel and find interesting, funny, odd or just plain curious. News about Everything and Anything Art wise, Expected or Unexpected. This blog is an open work diary for myself, and you are very welcome to follow me on my journey...

søndag den 30. januar 2011

Life Drawing Marathon

A few sketches from last night...

Last night I went to a Life Drawing Marathon for the first time in my life! A friend invited me, and I was excited to experience this (to me) rather new concept, which apparently this school arranges once a year. We car pooled to the town of Struer, and were in place just before 7 pm.

The idea was that we were to draw from 7pm - 1am. With breaks, naturally (for our sake, but especially for the models!) I have not done life drawing since the end of the last century, (literally!) when I joined a class in Newmarket, England.

I have always enjoyed it, and was excited to do it again. It is excellent training, you are forced to look and pay attention. And do it very quickly.

We started out with a few 30 second poses, and it took me a little while to get a kind of feel for it again, after all this time. To get the sense of the pencil in my hand and the body lines. First model was a young, fairly curvy woman. We moved up to one minute poses, two, three, four and as the most five. I was working away, the minutes went by and the quick sketches collected on the floor. The second model of the evening was a tall, very skinny man, and it was interesting how long it took me to understand this entire change in the subject. My 30 second pose sketches were barely existing - only straight lines on the big sheet of paper. But as it went on, I did get better. A little better. Although I don’t think I worked as smoothly as it did with the woman.

By 10, it was time for our main break. We gathered around the table, ate soup, had a chat and a glass of wine. Afterward, it was time for the last model of the night: an older man, who very creatively brought a book, ball and a bottle into his poses. I’d say he was the best of the bunch to change up his poses, not one was remotely the same. As an extra finesse and bonus, a trio had showed up during our brake, and they sang and played music while we worked, the rest of the evening.

The last half an hour I thought was rough! I was really, really, really tired (the wine probably didn’t help!) I found myself easing down, I put my pencil and paper on the floor, leaned back, and just listened to the music. By 1 am, we were of of there, and had about half an hour drive home.

I believe I slept the minute my head hit the pillow. But I kept on drawing in my dreams...

fredag den 28. januar 2011

Minding The Gallery

My personal quiet corner the past two weeks.

The past couple of weeks, I’ve been sitting in the “Kammergalleriet” during the afternoons, to mind my exhibition. Some days have been busy, some not so much. But I have been overwhelmed with people’s interest in my work, and have had many great talks with people, stopping in from the street. Even a few sales, as an extra bonus!

Being back in my hometown has been interesting: I’ve met old teachers, neighbors and people who know my parents. A new (-and actually quite nice-) feeling, after having lived anonymously for years, in various places, a short period at a time.

I truly like the concept of this gallery: when you rent it, you can do WHATEVER you like. You choose the opening times, the hanging of the work - the whole sense of the place is up to you! Personally I enjoyed the whole experience of getting settled in the gallery. Making the space mine, entirely. When I visit a gallery, I like simplicity and serenity. So I suppose those have been my keywords, while settling in, the sensation I’ve been seeking. If I have managed or not, is a matter of opinion, but I know for a fact that I have enjoyed my afternoons in the gallery. Quiet jazz, and the smell of the beautiful lilac hyacinths I got for the opening. I’ve been doing work on my mac, work I’d have to do at home anyway. I’ve had my own little work oasis, sitting between my paintings in a calm setting. Nice music and tulips, and with spotlights on each colorful piece on the wall. I think parts of me will miss it, when I pack up on Sunday, and will be done with this show. But I’ll probably also be ready for new places, new settings...

lørdag den 22. januar 2011

My Tropical Container

A little red van had crossed Denmark to bring me the small wood container. The box was packed among palm trees and geckos, and unpacked on a frozen, Danish January day...

Finally on Wednesday, my long lost container arrived from the tropics. Just before I took off from Guam (beginning of October), I was able to get a small, wood container full of art work (and other bits) sent to Denmark. It was supposed to arrive by mid December, but (obviously) something delayed the process... And it got delayed by about a month. But better late than never, and everything is in mint condition.

I felt that my own flight from Guam to Denmark took for EVER, but surely it is nothing compared to the journey of my small wood box. Plane, ship, waiting in ware houses around the world - I have no clue...

When I agreed to do the art show in the Kammergalleriet, I was expecting to be able to show some brand new art work. But when I realized that wasn’t going to happen I had to improvise. Luckily I already had some newer work I got shipped from NJ last summer - and from December to now, I painted a few new pieces, and managed to fill the gallery, luckily.

So, everything worked out well - I will participate in another local art show in February, and then I’ll have new pieces, so the two shows won't be quite the same. I suppose it all happened for a reason.

Oh, and more on the new show a little later...

mandag den 17. januar 2011

Private View in the Kammergalleriet

Ready for the opening

After a few days of (mild) stress, finally on Saturday, I hosted the Open View for my art show at the “Kammergalleriet” in Lemvig. It goes without saying that the last week was fairly busy, nervous and (well...) a bit stressed. I made notes constantly - I continuously thought of things I’d forgotten, and before I knew it, my white sheet of paper was full of notes and loose thoughts, regarding the show and the preparations. On top of it, you always have the fear and nervousness as to how your work will be received.

On Friday afternoon, Dad and I went to the gallery and started hanging the work. Although I had a good feeling for the room and even had it’s dimensions, I still had a nervous feeling that perhaps my work would not be able to fill the walls. But luckily they did, perfectly.

Dad and I worked for a couple of hours. I did various practical things and decided the order of the work. Dad hung it on the walls, very perfectionistic. I took care that the numbers (or letters) added up to the price

list. After (what felt like) a long night, we went home, fairly ready for Saturday.

I went to the gallery early the next morning, to get the last few bits in order (there’s always something!) and by 12:30 guests started to show up. I had invited a few old friends I knew lived in the area, some new friends, family and friends of family. Three friends of mine from school, even took the long drive from Århus - a huge and happy surprise to me. The place was packed, and I felt very, very grateful for the support, and all the stunning, amazing flowers that was given to me. I had brought these brown boots I was going to wear for the opening, but got so sidetracked that I never put them on, and instead wore trainers the entire day. Pretty funny! I still can’t quite believe what an amazing day it was - I went to bed that night, flying on a little happy cloud...

Here's a few images from the hanging as well as the opening. And more gallery pictures will (undoubtedly) follow!

lørdag den 8. januar 2011

Preparing For The Show

As mentioned, I am preparing for an art show in “Kammergalleriet”, a small gallery in my hometown of Lemvig.

I am a serious list maker, and I see that I still have a few things to cross out, before I am quite there. Yesterday I got the posters printed, and on Monday I’ll be hanging them around town. I am not sure if I work best with a deadline or not - I think I maybe do. I enjoy the slight inner stress, and lack of overview of the situation. A strange thing to enjoy, I know. Not sure how that works. By Friday - ready or not - my show will be coming up...

Well - better get back to it. Here’s the poster, anyway...

lørdag den 1. januar 2011

Happy New Year

A view of "Kammergalleriet" where my show opens on the 15th of January.

It is January 1st, and as always it makes me think of the old year, as well as the new. The past three new year eves, I have spent in very different places. Between 2008-09 we were in New Jersey. Last New Year we were living on Guam. And this year I am sitting in Denmark. Three very different spots, and three very different kinds of life. Last year we barbecued mahi mahi for dinner, and sat outside all night, between coconuts and geckos. Last night we made sure the heat was turned up high, and wore big solid winter coats, and had to be sure sure not to slip on the icy ground...

But whatever way the night is spent, it is basically all about looking back, and wondering what the new year will bring. I am currently getting ready for an art show in “Kammergalleriet” a small artist shared gallery in my hometown of Lemvig. The room is very nice, the space huge. I will be there to mind the show. I choose the opening times, the hanging and pretty much everything else. Very interesting. For two week the space will be mine, entirely.

I was planning (and hoping) to show some new work that is being brought back from Guam. I am expecting a small container, with (-among other things-) a lot of my art work. Paintings I made on Guam, and also work from before, in New Jersey. Pieces I always wanted to bring home. Now I finally got the chance. BUT, something happened, the shipment is delayed, and suddenly the box is not going to show up in time. Too bad, on so many levels. But, I do have some work from NJ I got home in an earlier shipment, and I am currently working on some new pieces. I think it will be all right. It will have to be!

More to follow, undoubtedly, as the show is coming together in my mind and improvised studio...