Done! Well, almost. At this point I just needed to add the final layer of varnish on the surfaces.
FINALLY. Done. It is such a relief to put this project behind me, mostly because I (ever since noticing the damages) was worried about how they would turn out. If it was even possible for me to really fix the paintings. I didn’t truly know the extend of the damages, until I started working into the surfaces. It did take a few full days work, but luckily the result is quite good. To avoid this happening again, in our next move, I changed my varnish recipe for the surface. It is a lot matter, and not sticky at all, which is very important. I like it, I think it works. So, the portraits are done!
I have promised G.A.I.N (Guam Animals In Need) that they can borrow some of these “reborn” Playdoh Portraits for their opening house event later this month. More on that later...