We just got back from Hawaii this weekend. For three weeks I hung around Honolulu, looking at people, art, traffic and Nature. I took my books and Ipod touch to the beach and just let time pass. I absolutely loved it, and now being back on Guam, I am full of good energy, hoping I can ride on the Hawaii happy wave for at least a while...
I brought my little sketchbook and noted anything I came across and wanted to remember. I have mentioned it before: I thrive on new environments, in new settings. That’s partly the reason each of my studios have had a special significance to me. And it is somewhat refreshing to leave my studio, books, paints, boxes of postcards, and books of magazine cuttings. Just having a notebook and being in a brand new place in the world. It is a way of leaving any (art) baggage at home and starting over. A clean mind sweep so to speak. Being back on Guam is surprisingly great. I am ready to begin again, to start over...