My new/ old room. A very different feel from the room I knew, in the 80's and 90's
Goodness - it has been for ever! Seems like a lot has happened since my last words, but that could mainly be in my mind! I have moved all the way from tropical Guam to a very wintery Denmark! It has taken me a while to get settled, to get out of suddenly-chance-location mode, and finding myself again, back here on the Danish West coast. In the very same house I grew up in...
This is now my living-, bed- and work room. Quite literally, half a world away from my tropical studio. It is my old room, the same one I had since I was a child. There is something magical about being back after so many years, and after having lived in so many places. The room looks, smells and feels very different. It is only because I know it is the very same place that, I can truly tell. The view is different too, and yet the same. The trees have grown a lot, and some are gone. During my first weeks, I have enjoyed the backdrop of orange and brown leaves, and a field full of cows, peacefully eating grass, with their mooing and chains as a nice, subtle soundtrack. Such a change from the jungle, palms, boonie dogs and papayas of Guam. I love the change of the seasons, and the view has already changes much more in a month, than my Guam view did within an entire year.
On a more boring/technical note - I’ve had all kinds of practical issues with my website and blog, the reason it has now changed address to
I have spent a couple of intense afternoons in front of the fireplace, moving all my old blog texts to this new site. What will happen about my website is still up in the air. I am checking out options, thinking, considering the best way... Not quite sure yet. In the middle of the move from Guam my computer crashed, and so did the entrance to my old site. I can’t get back in. Like you wake up from a dream and you can’t get back in there. A little annoying, as I liked the way my site looked and worked, but on the other han

d, perhaps this is my big chance to reconsider new and fresh ways. So maybe it is for the better. We’ll soon find out...
Goodness - it has been for ever! Seems like a lot has happened since my last words, but that could mainly be in my mind! I have moved all the way from tropical Guam to a very wintery Denmark! It has taken me a while to get settled, to get out of suddenly-chance-location mode, and finding myself again, back here on the Danish West coast. In the very same house I grew up in...
The view of fall...