I always, always carry a little black moleskin book with me. Just in case an idea suddenly jumps into my head, I want to be able to capture it there and then, or chances are it disappears into thin air. In this book I have a long list of ideas for titles, motives and color combinations. Many have been in there for years, just quietly brewing, some I use the minute they enter my head. But I like to have this little personal “library”. Sometimes I can’t remember then, where or why, and then they obviously get erased from the list. Others I like instantly, but don’t instantly have a plan for, and I am just waiting for the right moment and the right painting.
A few years ago, we were painting our (then) brand new condo in NJ, and we took a lot of trips to Home Depot. I collected a bunch of color cards and brochures in the painting department. And this was one of them, on the left. I just LOVED the color combination, kept it, knowing that eventually I would need it. And I did - just a few weeks ago, here on Guam, the color scheme fitted perfectly into this painting...