Happy New Year! I simply can’t believe it’s been a year since I sat in “Brewed Awakening” cafe in Metuchen, writing my new year blog entry from last year. I remember it very clearly for some reason, and it doesn’t seem long ago at all. Just about everything in my surroundings has changed since that cold winter day in the cafe, when a thin layer of snow covered the ground. Jersey was busy, crowded, multicultural and close to New York City... Guam is laid-back, with stunning Nature, H O T, with extremely high humidity, and is pretty much as removed from anything or anywhere else as can be. I am not going to lie: It does feel very remote out here at times!
Since moving here, I haven’t been as inspired to work as much as I probably expected. I have the most fantastic studio, but just haven’t quite felt it yet. Adjusting to these new surroundings has been a work in process. Not because it has been bad - just because Guam is so absolutely different from anywhere I’ve ever been. Not having Art Museums and galleries fairly close by is a new thing for me, and one of the things I miss the most from NJ. At some point I wrote a blog about the work going into searching the island for the right art materials. That was a new and unexpected obstacle right there in front of me.
Instead of painting, I have in fact spend a lot of time reading art books, magazines, and books on art marketing. I have used the Internet a lot for the ideas, inspiration and fresh air in art and culture that I used to get from a day in the city, going to MoMA, or dinner with friends.
But I am excited about 2010. I am excited about getting back into painting, I truly miss it. I think it is time, I miss having paint on my hands, and unfinished pieces hanging around the house...