A look at my new Guam studio. Still a lot of organizing to do before I am ready to start working. But I like it. A great room with lots of light and windows. The view is beautiful; looking over our backyard jungle, and the silhouette of palm trees against the pink and orange Guam evening sky. What’s not to love?!
It has been a crazy summer. I notice that my last blog was written back in April. Time has gone so fast - and so much has happened. Moving from NJ was exactly as stressful as those things are (and perhaps should be?) We sold the condo, moved into an Extended Stay - I went to Denmark for a few weeks, then back to NJ. Kevin and I then spent two weeks in South Dakota with his family, before we - finally - took the big anticipated step and moved to Guam. We had been excited for so long, but had no real frame of reference. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into - none of us had ever been on a tropical island before. After our share of diver’s ear and food poison, heavy jet lag and two weeks in a fancy hotel - we found our house. And a lovely one that is: big and cosy, in a quiet neighborhood, and with a tropical jungle of a garden.
The heat on Guam is extreme. It is a moist, uncomfortable heat, that it will take some time getting used to. So will all the geckos, poisonous frogs and big colorful spiders. Not to mention the thought that a brown tree snake can show up on your door step any day...
We are basically moved in at this point, and have begun to explore the island. I still haven’t had a chance to check out the art life on Guam, but I look forward to it, and I am excited to see what I find.
I am more than ready to start working again. And talking about work - above is a picture of my new studio, “a work in progress”. It is a perfect art room. And although I still have a lot of organizing to do before I am ready to actually start the painting part, I love it, and can’t wait to spend my days in there. It has been a long spring and summer since I did some work, and many ideas has developed in my mind during that time. I am curious what it will be like to work in there. My rooms, their views and atmospheres have always means a lot to me, as I spend hours in there. They become significant and (I feel) somehow influential to the work I produce. That’s why I do like to change the rooms once in a while. And believe me: this new Guam studio is a huge change from my little room in new Jersey, looking over an urban parking lot...