It has been a very long time since I wrote an entry. So much has happened that wasn’t really art related, and I was just too busy and too restless to accomplish anything artwise.
We knew we would be leaving NJ this summer, but not until mid-March did we know the actual destination. We were dreaming of moving to Europe, Germany perhaps - and I was so deep into my thoughts of being there, living somewhere in the heart of Europe that it hit me like a fist, when I was told we are in fact going to GUAM. It could not be further away, nor more different.
It took me some time (a good couple of weeks actually) to digest the news, I googled info about this truly tiny Island between Australia and Japan, and slowly I got used to the idea and began to look forward to our next assignment. But it took some time, some huge twists and turns of the imagination. In my mind’s eye, I now see palm trees, turquoise water, colorful drinks, (necessary) sun block and straw hats...
On top of this, we are selling our condo, and in order to present the place in the nicest way possible, I have severely cleaned up my studio - taken all unnecessary items out for it to appear larger and tidier. I like it clean and simplified, just waiting for activity and new stories to begin.
I know how much the environments has affected my work in the past - and I am curious to see what Guam will add, change or move. I feel my work is done in New Jersey - my mind and body feels far too uneasy to take up more projects - It will have to wait. So really, my studio is on hold...