By 5:10, I went downtown with a painting under each arm - excited and a bit nervous - and we all lined up, resting the artwork on a bench and up the bank wall. We introduced ourselves and afterward the news anchor asked a few individual questions to some of the artists... And she asked me a questions I absolutely could not answer! Something like “did the public support this event” which (as this was the first night) I had absolutely no idea about! So my very intelligent responds was “...Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...” Luckily, Linda LaStella stood next to me, and was quick to say “well, we will know from tonight, won’t we?!” Cheers Linda!
I felt a bit dazed & confused after this incident, but found it really funny, and actually laughed most of the way home - where my husband had watched the part on TV (as it was live - even better!) and he found it quite funny too, but felt a little bad... The event began and was a good time, people stopped by, I got some good contacts and interesting comments on my work. This Friday I am on again - without live TV this time, which is probably a good thing!