A blog about my work and the way it happens. Things I see, hear, feel and find interesting, funny, odd or just plain curious. News about Everything and Anything Art wise, Expected or Unexpected. This blog is an open work diary for myself, and you are very welcome to follow me on my journey...
fredag den 18. februar 2011
Oh that website business...

tirsdag den 8. februar 2011
Private View In Bovbjerg Lighthouse
This past week I’ve been buried in preparations for my new art show at the "Bovbjerg Fyr" (Bovbjerg Lighthouse). I took my work down from the gallery on Sunday, and on Friday I hung it again, in this new location. I suppose I expected it to happen quickly and smoothly and with very little work, considering that everything was ready to hang! Hmmm... Nope, I found out (-as usual-) that everything takes much longer than planned. I was not ready until the last minute. A few of the paintings are repeats from the gallery show, but mainly, with new pieces.
As mentioned earlier in my blog, I got a little container of paintings home from Guam a few weeks ago. Not in time for my first show, but I had them for this one. Which worked out quite well: this way the show is not the same, it consists mainly of newer work. But even so: the new surroundings give the work a completely different feel. I am always amazed at how much a painting can change character, depending on where and how it hangs.
The Private View was on Sunday, quite a few people showed up, chatting, drinking wine and looking at art. A beautiful afternoon, only a stone’s throw from the North Sea. The Lighthouse is quite alone on the edge of the sea. Tall, proud and blood red, almost the color of a fire engine.
We went to hang the work on Friday, and I had a chance to meet some of the four other artists that I share the space with. The work between us is very different, and complement each other beautifully. The rooms are old, odd and charming: big and small, carpeted or with wood floor. Some walls are high, the ceilings crooked. A wise old house with a lot of personality, and a perfect frame for art and cultural events...