A blog about my work and the way it happens. Things I see, hear, feel and find interesting, funny, odd or just plain curious. News about Everything and Anything Art wise, Expected or Unexpected. This blog is an open work diary for myself, and you are very welcome to follow me on my journey...

torsdag den 29. oktober 2009

The Guam Gallery of Art


New small portrait, I made specifically for the show, “Orange Spondylus Night”,

in celebration of the Chamorro culture and in remembrance of the ancestors.

A few weeks ago, I was invited to a meeting in the Guam Gallery of Art, in the Chamorro Village. It was a very memorable night, where I (as well as Moe, a friend of a friend) met the owner of the gallery, Filamore Palomo Alcon. Among many things, we talked about art, the gallery, Chamorro culture, and ways to promote art. Fil mentioned that by the end of October he was going to have a special event, an “Orange Spondylus Night”.

The Spondylus is an orange shellfish, and the central element for this celebration. Therefore the theme color is orange in every shape and form, and Fil invited me to bring a (orange inspired) piece of work for the show. I went home, thought of it, and decided to do a small portrait of a Scandinavian women, a visitor in the Guam culture. I still feel very new here, the culture is different to anything I have ever known, and I do feel like a visitor. So that was a suiting motif to me.

Yesterday I went to the Chemorro Village to bring the small piece, as well as my portfolio for display. Fil was excited about the event tomorrow night. We are planning to stop by - preferable wearing something orange, I was told!... Have to go through my closet, I don’t think that is the domineering color...

The Guam Gallery of Art in the Chamorro Village

onsdag den 21. oktober 2009

The Art Of Finding Art Materials On Guam

On Monday, my husband and I drove South on Guam, to run some errands. At the same time I thought it would be interesting to check out the art supply stores on the Island. I have already started working in my new work space, and I noticed I was getting low on burned umbra, as well as light cadmium red. We stopped in at the first place I was told about, a fairly large arts and craft store. They had craft materials in abundance, yarn, scrap-booking, you name it... But the painting was less than impressive. I found one little lonely tube of lemon yellow, laying there alone in a sea of water mixable oils in all colors. I want acrylics only, and I left the store, crossing my fingers I would have more luck in the next place...

The next attempt was an office supply store(?). I was told that they did at times sell art materials as well. I quickly found the art section. Not much luck here either. They had gallons of children's‘ arts and crafts paint with and without glitter... Hmmmm. Still not exactly what I was after. The canvas section offered three small canvas boards, dangerously overpriced. That was it.

My enthusiasm was getting pretty low, as we stepped into the third shop, another office supply store. In my mind I was thinking I probably had to order online instead - always a hassle when it comes to these matters... But I was pleasantly surprised. This third store actually had a very nice art area. Quality art pads, charcoal, pastels and just about everything else you may need. I fund a shelf full of small acrylic paints only. I went a little overboard - almost emptied the section, thinking I may not be that lucky next time. So far been my experience here is that, with any item it is a hit or miss. The grocery store may have mangos one week - but the next you can only get pomegranates. So I filled up on acrylics in all the colors of the rainbow and went to pay. By the cash register I was told that I can in fact special order any art supply I need, and I was given the name of the person in charge. I went home happy and quite hopeful. And with a missing thought on my regular art store in NJ, “Pearl” - That was indeed a true cornucopia of art supplies... Guess I didn’t really appreciate until now. Had I thought ahead, I would probably have filled up before leaving.

But, maybe there’s still hope as I may be able to order supplies. I’ll start a list of things I need to continue my way of painting...

tirsdag den 20. oktober 2009

2nd Go-Card is out!

The Danish postcard company Go-Card is currently publishing a new series of my images. The second postcard is out: Birds, pictured above.

The postcard can be picked up for free (between Oct. 15th - Oct 22nd ) in 400 cafes around Denmark, as well as in all McDonald’s fast food restaurants throughout the country (except for Herning).

This is the forth series of my work printed by “Go-Card”. The first one was titled Life of Young Ursula Winter, and the two other ones depicted my Boston Terrier Playdoh: Playdoh the Muse andPlaydoh Greetings.

For more information, or to send an e-card, please visit there their website www.Go-Card.dk

tirsdag den 6. oktober 2009

Photos from Galleri Saltum

On September 23rd., I wrote a piece about an Art Exhibit in Denmark that I am participating in. I just received these photos from the opening, which I unfortunately couldn’t go to.

But here they are, and I think they give a good sense of the atmosphere and of the show as a whole...