A blog about my work and the way it happens. Things I see, hear, feel and find interesting, funny, odd or just plain curious. News about Everything and Anything Art wise, Expected or Unexpected. This blog is an open work diary for myself, and you are very welcome to follow me on my journey...

tirsdag den 27. januar 2009

First Painting 2009

Looking back, I (subconsciously) seem to change things up in January. I always look over my work in the beginning of a new year: materials, direction, statement etc. and generally think it over. I usually know exactly where I am going with a painting, even before I begin. I am planning ahead, and can almost see the finished piece in my mind.

This painting was different - on purpose. I wanted to work more loosely, and had only decided on the main figure and color scheme, but what else was going to happen in the picture, as well as a title, I did not know.

As I went along, I painted these water lilly-like flowers, very quickly and with runny watery paint. I started to think of the painting as “Water Lilly”. But as the flowers appeared, and also covered the dress, I realized that it was a different painting I was working on; instead of it being “Water Lilly”, it suddenly turned in to “Wallflower” instead. Very interesting I thought - and very unexpected.

I clearly like to be in control of my work, know where I am going and to have (at least some kind of) an idea of the final outcome. But it is also very exciting when the painting leads you.

Another change in this piece (as well as in the next two pieces I am currently working on) is that the canvas is covered in a plain white paper collage, purely for texture, but there is no additional collage involved.

I’ll keep playing, and should perhaps be more open to letting things happen as I go and listen to the painting, instead of just listening to me.

torsdag den 15. januar 2009

MoMA on a Winter Wednesday

I decided to go to MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) this morning - a freezing cold winter day in NYC. I was looking forward, there was an exhibition on that I was very curious to see: Marlene Dumas -Measuring Your Own Grave. The show was intriguing, and I spend a lot of time walking the galleries, looking at her work. The museum was nearly empty - most quiet I ever saw it anyway. I guess a wednesday in the middle of January isn’t exactly high season.

To me, going to the MoMA is a way of seeking peace; the place is so full of good (and naturally very creative) energy. Walking from room to room, seeing and sensing the art is recharging my batteries like nothing else! I am so happy and at peace there, just dreaming of going home to my studio, my own work and get back to it.

It still feels like such an overwhelming luxury to wake up, and any given day be able to decide to go to the city, go to MoMA. When I grew up, NYC was on the top three of places I’d love to visit some day, now I am here, and have lived here for three and a half years. We have been lucky, not being here as tourists, where you need to fit in as much info as possible in a week or two. Instead we have been able to take it in, a bit at a time, digest it and go back a couple of weeks later. I am very grateful for that. I am trying to take as big and memorable a bite of the big apple as possible, but not eat it so fast that I can’t remember the taste. I want to be able to remember the galleries from numerous shows, varies trips with several friends and seeing the city in different seasons.

onsdag den 7. januar 2009

New Year - New Thoughts

Happy New Year! It is January once again, and the beginning of a new year always inspires me to look over my work, and kind of sum up the year and consider new ideas & thought that have fallen into my mind the past few months (for me, it seems fall is time for thoughtfulness and reflection - much more so than the rest of the year)

I was recently looking through my art books, I have so many of them and I noticed how different the art and artists was. I look at different artists for very different things. Art that may not seem connected, somehow finds a connection for me. Some artists I look at for creativity or spontaneity, some for their use of color or patterns. Some are masters of the craft or amazing collage artists. Or they (literally) have their way with words, visually. So many amazing artists - my personal inspiration list is long and - quite possibly - endless and varies, depending on what I am working on. But, here’s just a few names that popped up, during my recent “curiosity check” in my library as well as some new names I have recently come across - in random order:

Clayton Brothers

Frida Kahlo

Tony Fitzpatrick

Elizabeth Clayton

Paula Rego

John Corrin

Sabrina Ward Harrison

Tine Helleshøj

Kehinde Wiley

Nicky Hoberman

Bo Bartlett

Hung Lui