A blog about my work and the way it happens. Things I see, hear, feel and find interesting, funny, odd or just plain curious. News about Everything and Anything Art wise, Expected or Unexpected. This blog is an open work diary for myself, and you are very welcome to follow me on my journey...

tirsdag den 26. august 2008

Daily Painters

I have mentioned in the past that I make these little portraits, inspired by vintage advertisements. I like the small format - they become studies for faces, as well as experiments with color and texture of the background. And I love how they happen so quick, I often don’t even think about it before they appear. They tend to decide for themselves, which is very exciting for me, as I always plan my paintings ahead, almost down to the smallest detail.

I have just made a new gallery on my website for those paintings in particular. Daily Painters is a movement where the members paints a few small paintings a week and post them for sale right away. I am not a member of the group, but I am intrigued by the concept and I decided to give these little (if not daily, then weekly) paintings their own page in my web gallery...

tirsdag den 5. august 2008

Ready For Art Classes

It is August already - for a while I have been wanting to teach art to kids again... I have done it in the past, and would love to get back into it! The idea has developed in my mind the past few months, and I feel very excited and ready at this point. I have taught at a few different Art Museums in WA, all in different ways. At the Seattle Art Museum I taught a six week art camp, at the Frye Art Museum I taught a few afternoon classes with different themes, and at the Museum of Glass in Tacoma I was the Artist in Residence, teaching a project that somehow related to a current exhibition. And the studio was open to anyone interested.

Now, it is time to teach in my own preferred format: a small group of kids at one time, two hours every week. All is going to be 2D projects; drawing, painting, collage - and we are going to relate the work to a famous artist or art movement every week. And naturally end the day talking about each student’s work.

The last few weeks I have been busy putting together flyers, postcards and thought of fun and creative ways to advertise my classes. Hoping to reach as many art interested kids as possible.

I have a lot of ideas for lesson plans - that’s almost the funniest part to get ready.

And I am ready to get it all out of my mind and down on paper. That is what’s next...