A blog about my work and the way it happens. Things I see, hear, feel and find interesting, funny, odd or just plain curious. News about Everything and Anything Art wise, Expected or Unexpected. This blog is an open work diary for myself, and you are very welcome to follow me on my journey...

onsdag den 30. juli 2008

Back To Work

When ever I go away for a while, I still collect bits of ideas for paintings, seem to be an ongoing, never ending process, and I just can’t wait to start the work when I get back. And although my vacation in Denmark was extremely busy this year, I still found myself with various thoughts of new work; Pictures I came across, sayings, and the great selection of brand new multi-patterned, multi-colored wall paper that seem to be in fashion back there right now.

It is already more than two weeks ago we returned, but I have been very busy ever since, working on my new venture; an art school for kids, here in Metuchen (see more under “Art Classes”).

This is a project I am very excited about, and I am still working on the lesson plans, as well as the marketing material. But it is moving along nicely and I am almost there...

Then yesterday I decided to spend the whole day in my studio, get some of these buildup ideas out on canvas, if only the very beginning of the painting. It felt good, and it is just lovely to have unfinished pieces on the easel once again. Almost forgot how nice that feels!

torsdag den 17. juli 2008

My Very First "Real" Painting!

As mentioned, I was just back in Denmark on vacation. For a while I had thought about this one painting, my very first oil on canvas. I was wondering if my parents still had it. I was nine when I painted it, so it was a while back! But my parents don’t through anything away, and sure enough, Dad went to the loft and came back with the painting a few moments later. I had forgotten how it really looked, expected something slightly different, although I did remember something about a green & red birds, a nest and some eggs... Well, this is a special painting to me, as I remember making it, remember how proud I was, making a “real” painting on canvas. I painted it at my art teachers house (she lived in a lovely old school with lots of space), and it was only the second week of art class, I remember that clearly. I also remember bringing it back to my parents, feeling more proud than I can say. For some reason the oil and the canvas was what made it “real” and somehow more important than the other drawings and paintings I had done on paper, cardboard and whatever else I could find.

Well, I had to pack it in my suitcase coming back to Jersey, it took the journey well and is now hanging over the door in my studio as a happy & special memory...

mandag den 14. juli 2008

A Suitcase Show

Exactly a week ago today, I (with great help from my husband, Kevin) hung a show in Holstebro, about half an hour drive from my hometown of Lemvig. I was asked if I’d like to exhibit at Midtjyske Medier (the office of a newspaper) a while back, and thought it would be fun to show some new work in Denmark. Kevin & I (and of cause little Playdoh) just spent about a month in Denmark on vacation, and we brought all the art along in a huge brown box for this show that I am calling “En Kuffertudstilling” (a suitcase show) as we did, literately, bring every piece from NY to Copenhagen with SAS!

The place has a great atmosphere, the walls were great, and after a long day of deciding, moving, drinking strong tea & changing minds, we finally had the show put on the walls. And I was actually very happy with the result. If you are in the area, please stop by and have a look - the show will be up until the end of August.