A blog about my work and the way it happens. Things I see, hear, feel and find interesting, funny, odd or just plain curious. News about Everything and Anything Art wise, Expected or Unexpected. This blog is an open work diary for myself, and you are very welcome to follow me on my journey...

fredag den 30. maj 2008

JuneBug Art Fest

Metuchen, NJ is hosting the JuneBug ArtFest event this year on the four Fridays of June. It will cover many different art forms, and these four days will have a ton of creative & fun events...

I am also going to take part; on the two first Fridays, my home (and studio) will be open for the public. I am currently working on transforming the condo into a “gallery”. My work will be on display and for sale, refreshments will be available, and you can have a look into my (small) studio where the work is created and the ideas are floating... I am looking forward to it, making lists of things to (still) do, getting ideas for ways of making it work, and looking at the details... so many little things, and here we are, a week before the first day of Open House!

All right, back to it, time to get the paintings ready for hanging and make the price list...

lørdag den 24. maj 2008


It has been a while... I have been busy with lots of different things, and have been away from my paintings for a few weeks. I missed it terrible, and it felt so good to be back in the studio and finish up the five small, square women portraits I was working on. I made a post when I began this one particular painting, and this is how it ended up. Once again the picture decided for itself and I had to make a few changes for it to work.

Coming up with the titles is fun, almost like a game. - Often I know the title of a painting before I even start it, because I am following a certain idea, but these small pieces had no names before they were done. This one I titled Yes?! I feel quite certain that’s what she’s thinking, expressing, saying...